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- A 30-year-old woman presented for evaluation of a painless coin-sized lesion under the tongue of several months’ duration.
Interactive Case Study - 04- April 2024

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Author Profiles

Tatsiana Pukhalskaya, MD
University of California San Francisco (UCSF), Department of Dermatopathology and Oral Pathology

Richard C. Jordan DDS, PhD, FRCPath
University of California San Francisco (UCSF), Department of Dermatopathology and Oral Pathology
Dr. Richard Jordan is a Professor of Oral Pathology, Pathology and Radiation Oncology at the University of California, San Francisco. He is a member of the UCSF Dermatopathology and Oral Pathology Service practicing the full scope of head and neck pathology. He is also one of the Directors of the NRG Oncology Biospecimen Bank, an NCI funded program that supports national phase 2 and phase 3 clinical cancer trials. Originally from Toronto Canada, he has resided in the San Francisco Bay area for 25 years.
A 30-year-old woman presented for evaluation of a painless coin-sized lesion under the tongue of several months’ duration.
Tumors > Neural/Neuroendocrine